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Create a Flash game like Gold Miner – AS3 version


After more than two years since the release of Gold Miner tutorial, Luke Mikelonis wants to share with us the AS3 version he made to to practice up a bit on AS3.

There are four classes: Main (the main one), Boulders, Pod, Rod.

There isn’t that much theory to explain as the basics have been already discussed in the original post.

Anyway, this is Main class:

package {
	import flash.display.MovieClip;
	import flash.events.MouseEvent;
	import flash.events.KeyboardEvent;
	import flash.events.Event;
	public class Main extends MovieClip {
		private var boulderData:Array;
		private var boulders:Array = [];
		private var pod:Pod;
		private var left:Boolean = false;
		private var right:Boolean = false;
		public function Main() {
			boulderData = [[100, 100, 30], [200, 100, 40], [300, 100, 40], [400, 100, 30],
						   [100, 200, 30], [200, 200, 40], [300, 200, 40], [400, 200, 30],
						   [100, 300, 30], [200, 300, 40], [300, 300, 40], [400, 300, 30]];
			stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onMouseClick);
			stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, onKeyPress);
			stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, onKeyRelease);
			addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, updateStatus);
		private function placeBoulders():void {
			for (var i in boulderData) {
				var boulder:Array = boulderData[i];
				var newBoulder:Boulder = new Boulder(boulder[0], boulder[1], boulder[2]);
		private function placePod():void {
			pod = new Pod();
		public function getPod():Pod {
			return pod;
		private function onMouseClick(e:MouseEvent):void {
		private function updateStatus(e:Event):void {
			if (!left && !right) {
			} else if (left && right) {
			} else if (left) {
			} else {
			for (var i in boulders) {
				if (boulders[i].remove) {
					boulders.splice(i, 1);
		private function removeBoulder(boulder:Boulder) {
			boulder = null;
		private function onKeyPress(e:KeyboardEvent):void {
			switch (e.keyCode) {
				case 37:
					left = true;
				case 39:
					right = true;
		private function onKeyRelease(e:KeyboardEvent):void {
			switch (e.keyCode) {
				case 37:
					left = false;
				case 39:
					right = false;

This is Boulder class:

package {
	import flash.display.MovieClip;
	public class Boulder extends MovieClip {
		private var picked:Boolean = false;
		private var gotBoulder:Boolean = false;
		public function Boulder(xPos:Number, yPos:Number, boulderWidth:Number) {
			x = xPos;
			y = yPos;
			width = height = boulderWidth;
		public function updateStatus():void {
			var main:Main = this.parent as Main
			var pod:Pod = main.getPod();
			if (!picked) {
				if (pod.status == "shoot" && this.hitTestPoint(pod.hotSpotX, pod.hotSpotY)) {
					pod.status = "rewind";
					picked = true;
					pod.slowdown = Math.floor(width / 5);
			} else {
				x = pod.hotSpotX;
				y = pod.hotSpotY;
				if (pod.status == "rotate") {
					gotBoulder = true;
		public function get remove():Boolean {
			return gotBoulder;

This is Pod class:

package {
	import flash.display.MovieClip;
	import flash.events.Event;
	public class Pod extends MovieClip {
		private var rotationDir:Number = 2;
		private var podStatus:String = "rotate";
		private var slowDown:Number = 0;
		private var speed:Number = 0;		
		private var maxSpeed:Number = 4;
		private var currentDir:Number = 0;
		private var startRopeX:Number;
		public var hotSpotX:Number;
		public var hotSpotY:Number;
		private var rod:Rod;
		public function Pod() {
			x = 250;
			y = 0;
			addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, updateStatus);
		public function createRod():void {
			rod = new Rod();
		private function move():void {
			x += speed;
		public function setSpeed(newSpeed:Number):void {
			speed = newSpeed;
			if (speed > maxSpeed) {
				speed = maxSpeed;
			} else if (speed < -maxSpeed) {
				speed = -maxSpeed;
		public function shootPod():void {
			if (podStatus == "rotate") {
				currentDir = (rotation + 90) * 0.0174532925;
				startRopeX = x;
				podStatus = "shoot";
		private function updateStatus(e:Event):void {
			switch (podStatus) {
				case "rotate":
					rotation += rotationDir;
					if (rotation >= 80 || rotation <= -80) {
						rotationDir *= -1;
				case "shoot":
					slowDown = 0;
					x += 10 * Math.cos(currentDir);
					y += 10 * Math.sin(currentDir);
					hotSpotX = x + 40 * Math.cos(currentDir);
					hotSpotY = y + 40 * Math.sin(currentDir);
					if (hotSpotY > 400 || hotSpotX < 0 || hotSpotX > 500) {
						podStatus = "rewind";
					rod.lineStyle(1, 0x000000);
					rod.moveTo(startRopeX, 0);
					rod.lineTo(x, y);
				case "rewind":
					hotSpotX = x + 40 * Math.cos(currentDir);
					hotSpotY = y + 40 * Math.sin(currentDir);
					x -= (10 - slowDown) * Math.cos(currentDir);
					y -= (10 - slowDown) * Math.sin(currentDir);
					if (y < 0) {
						y = 0;
						x = startRopeX;
						podStatus = "rotate";
					} else {
						rod.lineStyle(1, 0x000000);
						rod.moveTo(startRopeX, 0);
						rod.lineTo(x, y);
		public function get status():String {
			return podStatus;
		public function set status(status:String):void {
			podStatus = status;
		public function set slowdown(slowdown:Number):void {
			slowDown = slowdown;

And finally Rod class:

package {
	import flash.display.Sprite;
	import flash.display.Graphics;
	public class Rod extends Sprite {
		public function clear():void {
		public function lineStyle(thick:Number, color:uint):void {
			graphics.lineStyle(thick, color);
		public function moveTo(xPos:Number, yPos:Number):void {
			graphics.moveTo(xPos, yPos);
		public function lineTo(xPos:Number, yPos:Number):void {
			graphics.lineTo(xPos, yPos);

This is the result:

Use arrow keys to move the Pod, and mouse button to fire.

Download the source code. Hope this helps you to convert AS2 scripts to AS3.

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